Press and Media
Feature: This Sex Educator Offers a Purity Culture Dropout Program
Feature: Sexuality Professionals Series: An Interview with Erica Smith
Articles I’ve written:
Creating Welcoming Gym Environments for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Athletes
A Clear Understanding of Consent, in Sexual Situations and Beyond
What Do Teens Want to Know? FAQs from Teens, Part 1 – Am I Normal?
What Do Teens Want to Know? FAQs from Teens, Part 2 – Who Am I and What Should I Do?
Articles that feature me:
Don’t Blame Oral Sex: This is the Real Culprit Behind HPV-Related Cancers
Teenagers Having Sex Isn’t Inherently Bad or Harmful - Here’s Why
9 Experts Share their Thoughts & Tips on Sex & Dating in the Era of the Pandemic
Does Size Matter? Dispelling the Cultural Myth that is Bigger is Better
How to Masturbate (and learn more about yourself while you’re at it)
Under the Covers: A Roundtable Chat About Sex When You’re Chronic
We Need to Clear Up TikTok’s Misunderstandings About Touch-Me Nots
Why Foot Fetishes are so Common and How to Explore Your Sexual Interests with a Partner
Simply Put, The Practice of ‘Virginity Testing’ is Unethical
War on Sex Ed: 5 Ways to Have Safer Sex for National Pubic Health Week
How To Be The Kind of Parent Your Teen Feels Comfortable Talking To About Sex
God Wants You to Be Thin (and Other Lies the Evangelical Church Taught Me)
When You’re Queer, What Does it Mean to Lose Your Virginity?
Sex Industry Professionals Are Being Denied COVID-19 Relief Funds
11 Things You Learned About Your Vulva That Were Totally Wrong
Some People Are Choking Their Partners During Sex — Without Asking First
Why Are Rainbows A Symbol Of LGBTQ Pride? Everything You Need To Know About The Rainbow Flag
Can Men Sharing Their Experiences With Abortion Make It A Better Experience For Everyone?
The Evolution of a Bisexual: My Road to Embracing Sexual Fluidity
Bullies Targeted Me For Being Bisexual - Here's What I Wish I Knew Then
You Need an STD Test. Now You Can Get a Massage With It Too.
Why Are Some People with Vaginas Scared to Finger Themselves?
Ian Somerhalder Learned About Sex By Spying On His Brother — Here's What This Says About Our Sex Ed
Podcast Interviews:
This is (Not) About Your Body - on sex education for folks leaving highly controlling religious scenarios. This episode deals with purity culture and its impact.
Kids or Child Free - how conservative religious values influence and enforce broader societal ideas about gender, sexuality, and the importance of having children. The episode also talks about Erica's choice to be childfree and the joyful life she has built without kids.
Your Therapist Needs Therapy - about how growing up in purity culture is harmful, how the religious right is hypocritical, and why comprehensive sex ed is so important.
The Divorcing Religion Podcast - sharing some of the experiences that helped me see the need for programs tailored to those recovering from Christianity and purity culture indoctrination.
Thereafter - on sex education and The Purity Culture Dropout.
Nights at the Round Table Part 1 and Nights at the Round Table Part 2 - on the negative effects that purity culture has on our sexual liberation. In the name of religion and what we've been taught by societal norms, have we lost the beauty and innocence of the Godly sexual experience?
Sunday School Dropouts - about sex, comprehensive sex education and resources if you’re needing some remedial sex education after abstinence only or purity culture “sex education”.
Good Girls Get Divorced - on purity culture and sex education (the sex education you never got!).
Men, Sex & Pleasure with Cam Fraser - on purity culture and sex education, religious beliefs and anti-pornography, SWERFs and Christian extremists, and porn literacy
The Bible for Normal People - on the harmful effects of purity culture and empowering adults who want to create a new sexual ethic for themselves.
The Divorcing Religion Podcast - on the need for programs tailored to those recovering from Christianity and purity culture indoctrination.
IT’S FINE. with Rachel Varkey - on the common blockers to having healthy sex and debunking common misconceptions from purity culture.
Let It Matter - on defining sexual values and ethics for ourselves and the Five Circles of Sexuality.
Appodlachia - on sex and purity culture.
Cults, Magic & Misinformation - purity culture and "hysteria" as a sexist disease.
Cult of Christianity - on sex and purity culture within the Christian faith.
Sexy Biz Babe - on sex education or lack thereof, sex education for kids, purity culture, masturbation and sex addiction, abortion and women’s empowerment.
Where Do We Go From Here? - on why sex education is more than preventing negative health outcomes, masturbation, sex toys and sex shops.
Pastor With No Answers - on female sexuality, sexual behavior, casual sex and hook-ups, porn, sado masochism and much more.
Cheers to Leaving! - on porn and porn addiction.
The Manwhore Podcast: Sex-Positive Conversations - on slut-positive feminism.
The Unity Project - on feminism, queerness, being a riot girl, and proper sex education.
Sex Party with Dustin - the dangers of purity culture, what it feels to free people from it, changing Penn State University with the Sex Fair, and how racism changed abortion views.
Mary’s Cup of Tea - on abortion, purity culture, and how to talk to people about sex.
Birth Story - on sex, sexuality, sex in pregnancy and postpartum, initiating after babies, and how to talk to your kids about sex.
Asking For Myself - on purity culture, religion, and sexuality.
Pastor With No Answers - on human sexuality, the benefits of regular masturbation and the conundrum between valuing feminine freedom and power, while hating their objectification.
Honeydew Me - on what purity culture is, how it impacts our sex lives, and concrete steps for quitting.
Bad in Bed - on the adverse effects of growing up with purity culture, how it specifically effects queer people, as well as advice on how to identify and unlearn its harmful messaging.
Profane Faith - on sex and sex education
Happily Together - on why we’re so afraid to talk about sex, the purity movement and purity culture, porn and sexual education.
Sex Ed with Tim - on disrupting what you believe sex should and shouldn't be, and purity culture.
Health: It’s Personal - on sexual health, sexuality and how purity culture impacts all of us every day.
Woman Being - on porn and purity culture
A Tiny Revolution - on purity culture and how we can all heal from our sexual shame shit.
Waking Parent - on choosing or not choosing parenthood
ShrinkChicks - on reecovering from the effects of purity culture, dress codes in schools, abstinence only sex education and how abortion became a central part of American politics.
Deconstruct - on rewriting your Purity Culture History
Unchurchable Podcast- Navigating sex and reclaiming sexuality post purity culture
After Adult- on purity culture, navigating sexual health, sexual shame, porn as sex ed, and the state of sex education in schools.
Thanks, It’s the Trauma- on masturbation, sex after 40, purity culture, "sex addiction," sex education, pornography, fatphobia, gender and sexuality.
Conjuring up Courage (formerly Redefining Health and Wellness) with Shohreh Davoodi - on sexuality myths, purity culture, and healing
Conjuring Up Courage with Shohreh Davoodi- Pride Panel 2020
She Thrives Radio - on healing from purity culture and how it relates to diet culture
God is Grey- on the five circles of sexuality, and abortion among Christians
Parenting Forward with Cindy Wang Brandt- on parenting after purity culture
For Your TMI- on queer sex education and having a hysterectomy
Queer Ambition- answering sex questions
Self Love Beauty- on the importance of pleasure in self-care
Interview with Dr. Carol Bernstein on Sirius XM’s Doctor Radio (no link or download available)
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